Activity Name Theme Category Developed By
"Exploring COVID-19 Testing: The Science of Gargle Method and Genomic Analysis " COVID-19 Pandemic Biology NEERI
3D Printing Understanding of Metals, Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy Chemistry NML
4th state of matter i.e plasma creation in the lab Material Science lab Physics NAL
Aatma nirbhar hum Plant resource utilisation Biology NBRI
ABHAY- Atma Nirbhar Yuva Holistic development lab Biology IICT
About color & the solar spectrum Color and Solar Spectrum Physics CSIO
About optical fibers Optical Fiber Lab Physics CSIO
About renewable energy Renewable Energy Lab Environment CSIO
About the periodic table & elements Periodic Table and Elements Chemistry CSIO
About water quality Water Quality Lab Chemistry CSIO
AC Powered Intelligent, Remote Controlled UVC LED Sterilizer Unit Germs Cleaning Physics CMERI
Activity to show working of an electric generator Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Activity to show working of an electric motor Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Advanced materials Concept of materials Physics NML
Aircraft and Missile Engagement Simulation Aeronautics Simulation lab Computer(Robotics/software etc) NAL
All about Asiatic Elephant Asiatic Elephant Environment NiScPR
Anaerobic gas lift reactor installed in market yard Biofuel lab Chemistry IICT
Anaerobic gas lift reactor- basics Biofuel lab Chemistry IICT
Analytical and applied chemistry Concepts of chemistry Chemistry NML
Animated Video on Basics of Electrochemical Biosensor Electrochemical Biosensor Chemistry CECRI
Are all bacteria the same? Anti-biotics lab Biology CCMB
Arsenic menace and its remedial measures Arsenic Pollution Biology NBRI
Arsenic Removal Filter Plan Water Filter Technology Chemistry CMERI
Atmospheric water generation Membrane lab Environment IICT
Awareness & Detection of Adulteration and Contamination in Food Food contamination Chemistry IITR
Awareness About Lakes Awareness About Lakes Earth Science NGRI
Awareness on Environmental pollution with regards to air water and soil Environmental safety Environment IITR
Awareness towards quality of drinking water Water quality Environment IIIM
Balancing the energy and climate crises Climate Change Challenge Biology CCMB
Ball Bearing Diagnosis Instrumentation lab Generic(S&T) NAL
Bats are a unique viral reservoir Simplified research articles Biology NiScPR
Batteries-basics Sustainability energy Lab Chemistry IICT
Be the changemaker in climate crisis Climate Change Challenge Biology CCMB
Bio Robotics Robotics Applications Computer(Robotics/software etc) CMERI
Botanical Garden Biodiversity and its bioprospection Biology NBRI
Botany and environment Basic Science Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Bridging the gap between classroom and home: "Learn from Home" eLearning Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Building and targeting bacteria s armor its cell wall Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
Building Vibration Structural Dynamics Lab Physics SERC
Burning of Magnesium Ribbon in Air Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
Calculate energy consumption Energy Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Calculate the metrics of side and angle of triangle Trigonometry Program Math NiScPR
Can apomixis improve rice varieties more sustainably? Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Can Indians avoid genetic diseases? Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
Can we help animals in stress? Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
Career opportunities in STEM: A "2-minutes-talk" on stories of women scientists Opportunity and Role of Women in Science Generic(S&T) NML
Caring for others in the climate crisis Climate Change Challenge Biology CCMB
Cells and microscopy module Microscopy lab Biology IGIB
Centripetal Force Gravitation Physics IMMT
Ceramic Sensor Development for Detection of Fish Adulteration Chemical Analysis Chemistry CGCRI
Character building Holistic development lab Biology IICT
Check your climate knowledge Climate Change Challenge Environment CCMB
Chemical Reaction of Zinc with Dilute Sulphuric Acid Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
Chemistry and environment Basic Science Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Cocos nucifera the tree of life Cocos Nucifera Environment NiScPR
Coin battery experiment Formation of Cell battery Chemistry CMERI
Comic on earth science Earth Science Earth Science NGRI
Comic on Food Safety Food contamination lab Health IITR
Comic on Global Disease Burden Global health safety Health IITR
Comic on Nanotoxicology Chemical safety Toxicology IITR
Comics of atoms & colors (nanotechnology) Periodic Table and Elements Chemistry CSIO
Comics on Artificial Rain Artificial Rain Environment NEERI
Comics on Biodiversity Biodiversity Environment NEERI
Comics on Ecosystem Ecosystem Environment NEERI
Comics on Green Hydrogen Green Hydrogen Environment NEERI
Commonly used batteries Sustainability energy Lab Chemistry IICT
Computational screening of anticancer drugs Simplified research articles Biology NiScPR
Connecting the unconnected, Distinctive Bridges Geo wonders: Natural and Man-made Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Conservation of Momentum Laws of Motion Physics IMMT
Continious casting Material processing Chemistry NML
Correct usage of antibiotics Anti-biotics lab Biology CCMB
Covid Innovations from the Indian Institutions Innovation zone Generic(S&T) NiScPR
CSIR Technologies CSIR Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Culture and Functional Characterization of Stem Cells Medical Science and Applications Biology CGCRI
Decoding nerve repair - Transcription factors as the missing link Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Decomposition Reaction Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
Density of an object By Archimedes Principle Archimedes Principle Physics IMMT
Detection of common milk adulterants Milk adulterants Enviornment IIIM
Determination of Concrete Strength Concrete Testing Lab Generic(S&T) SERC
Determination of focal length of convex lens Optics Physics IMMT
Determination of Water Holding Capacity of soil Soil Analysis Lab Environment NEERI
Development of Fuel cell stack for portable application Fuel cell lab Chemistry CECRI
Digital manometer and the concept of pressure measurements in a U-tube Instrumentation lab Physics NAL
Discovery of Millets : A Jouney Through Time 2023- Year Of Millets Generic(S&T) CSIO
Displacement Reaction Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
DIY Designing Infrared thermometer using Arduino Uno Microcontroller Diagnostics Generic(S&T) IMTECH
DNA isolation DNA Lab Biology IGIB
Do plants move? Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Do you know Mountain Ghost? Snow Leopard Environment NiScPR
Domestic Electric Circuit Electricity Physics IMMT
Double DIsplacement Reaction Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
Dr. Dhanunjay Lab Video CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Dr. Ishwariya Lab Video CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Dr. Mukesh Lab Video CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Dr. Saikat Lab Video CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Dr. Sriram Lab Video CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Dr. Swasti Lab Video CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Dynamic Lift of an Aircraft Wings Dynamic Lift-Bernoulli s Principle Physics IMMT
E-Waste recycling Recycling of materials Chemistry NML
Earthquake Education Booklet in Assamese language Earthquake Education Booklet in Assamese language Earth Science NGRI
Earthquake Education Booklet in English Earthquake Education Booklet in English Earth Science NGRI
Earthquake Education Booklet in Hindi Earthquake Education Booklet in Hindi Earth Science NGRI
Earthquake Education Booklet in Marathi Earthquake Education Booklet in Marathi Earth Science NGRI
Earthquake Education Booklet in Telugu Earthquake Education Booklet in Telugu Earth Science NGRI
Effect of a novel compound isolated from Neem on leukemia cells Simplified research articles Biology NiScPR
Effect of nanoparticle on bacteria Simplified research articles Biology NiScPR
Effect of saliva on starch Biochemistry of Digestion Biology IMMT
Electric Tractor for Small Agriculture Land Farming Land Farming Environment CMERI
Electromagnetic Induction Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Electromagnetic Waves Generator Glass & Optics Physics CGCRI
Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance Anti-microbial Resistance Awareness Biology IMTECH
Encoded Communication Using Morse Code Communications Lab Computer(Robotics/software etc) NAL
Energy Literacy Environmental Awareness Environment CSIO
Environmental Pollution Environmental safety Environment IITR
Enzymatic unhairing Leather lab Environment CLRI
Epidemiological health safety with regards to Global Disease Burden Global health safety Biology IITR
Estimation of Pi Montecarlo Simulations Physics NPL
Excursion to Herbal Garden on NISCAIR campus Herbarium & medicinal plants Biology NiScPR
Experiment using iron filings and current carrying conductor Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Experiment using magnetic compass and current carrying conductor Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Experimental evaluation of the frequency of a microwave oven Electromagnetic wave Physics IMMT
Extraction of metals Processing of materials Chemistry NML
Factors on which resistance of a conductor depends Electricity Physics IMMT
Facts, threats, and conservation status of snow leopard Snow Leopard Environment NiScPR
Fastest protein first CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
Fate Cells Molecules Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Fire retardant coating to rescue pilots during fire accidents Material Science lab Chemistry NAL
First law of motion - Card and coin Laws of Motion Physics IMMT
First law of motion - Carom board Laws of Motion Physics IMMT
Fishing Expeditions in the Brain Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Fishy Tales Fish Lab Biology IGIB
Flow over different aircraft configurations Aeronautics Simulation lab Computer(Robotics/software etc) NAL
Food Safety Food contamination Chemistry IITR
Force on current carrying conductors Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Free Fall Gravitation Physics IMMT
Functional Mobile Robot Robotics Applications Computer(Robotics/software etc) CMERI
Generation of electricity through domestic waste management Domestic Recycling lab Environment NAL
Glucometer- Grandpa's Mini Mobile (English) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Glucometer- Grandpa's Mini Mobile (Hindi) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Glucometer- Grandpa's Mini Mobile (Punjabi) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Health & hygene Holistic development lab Biology IICT
Herbarium and its method of making Herbarium and sugar Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Herbarium sheet Preparation Herbarium & medicinal plants Biology NiScPR
History of millets Millets Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Hospital Care Assistive RoboticDevice (HCARD) Robotics Applications Computer(Robotics/software etc) CMERI
How Bullet Proof Glass Works Glass Technology Generic(S&T) CGCRI
How crystal grows and their applications in electro-optics Single Crystal Growth Physics NPL
How do scientists find new microbes? Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
How plants produce aroma? Aromatic Plants and their Conservation Biology CIMAP
How should we conserve the Deccan ecosystem? Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
How tissue culture saves the endangered plants? Aromatic Plants and their Conservation Biology CIMAP
How to make a fragrant oil from aromatic crop? Aromatic Plants and their Conservation Biology CIMAP
How to Measure the Refractive Index of Glasses Glass & Optics Physics CGCRI
How to prepare a wet mount of onion peel Microscopic analysis of onion peel cells Biology IIIM
Illustration of patterns in fauna Finding Patterns in Nature Biology NiScPR
Immunity & Nutrition Holistic development lab Biology IICT
Improved Iron Removal Filter Plant Water filter Technology Chemistry CMERI
Indian Astraunauts who made it to space Space and water life Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Industrial Manufacture of Iron from Iron Ore Industrial Manufacture Generic(S&T) CGCRI
Infographic on Flame Retardation Chemicals Chemical safety Environment IITR
Infographic on Nanomaterial Chemical safety Environment IITR
Infographic on PFAS(per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) Chemical safety Environment IITR
Infographic on Toxicity Chemical safety Toxicology IITR
Inside I Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Interference of light waves: Young s Double slit experiment Wave Optics Physics IMMT
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Introduction to DNA DNA Biology NiScPR
Introduction to Geological Time Scale Geological Time Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Introduction to IUCN Red List Conservation Environment NiScPR
Introduction to RNA DNA Biology NiScPR
Introduction to robotics Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence NiScPR
Introduction to stem cells Stem Cell Biology NiScPR
is there something like mud volcanoes Mud volcano Geography NiScPR
Isolation of Microbes & DNA Isolation from microbes Microbiology Biology IMTECH
Kinetic Energy Work and Energy Physics IMMT
Know your plants Information on plants Biology NBRI
Laws of Refraction Optics Physics IMMT
Let's Mendeleev Periodic Table Chemistry IGIB
Lichens - unique gift of nature Biodiversity and its bioprospection Biology NBRI
Life under water space and water life Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Lives of forest trees Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Lonar Lake Lonar Lake Environment NEERI
Manjula Reddy - Mapping Bacterial growth Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Soil Chemical Analysis Chemistry CGCRI
Measures of central tendency Basic understanding of stastics Maths NML
Mechanical Bale Hydraulic Press Machine Packing of raw jute Physics CMERI
medicinal plants of family euphorbiaceae Medicinal plant Biology NiScPR
Meissner Effect Magnetism lab Physics CLRI
Micro Climate Changes Micro Climate Changes Environment NEERI
Microstructures, Vital Decisions Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Mihir Trivedi - Trailing the only apes of India Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
MILLETS : The Nutritional Awareness 2023- Year Of Millets Generic(S&T) CSIO
Mini Medico Part1 (English) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Mini Medico Part1 (Hindi) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Mini Medico Part1 (Punjabi) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Mini Medico Part2 (English) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Mini Medico Part2 (Hindi) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Mini Medico Part2 (Punjabi) Devices for Healthcare Generic(S&T) CSIO
Molecular warfare between plants and microbes Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
Myth of Biological determinism Biological Determinism Biology NiScPR
Nanofiltration membranes for water purification Membrane lab Environment IICT
Neutralization of acid and base reaction Chemical Reactions Chemistry NPL
Nikhil Hajirnis - Giving wings to ideas Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Nucleophilic Substitution Understanding of Metals, Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy Chemistry NML
Object on an Inclined Plane Concepts of Dynamic Physics Physics NPL
Ohm's Law Electricity Physics IMMT
Oxidation and Reduction Reaction Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
Plant diversity assesment and bioprospection Biodiversity and its bioprospection Biology NBRI
Plant resources for healthy life Biodiversity and its bioprospection Biology NBRI
Pollen grain germination on the stigma of Hibiscus flower Reproduction in Plant Cells Biology IMMT
Precepitation Reaction Chemical Reaction Chemistry IMMT
Preparation and study of mitosis in onion root tips Reproduction in Plant Cells Biology IMMT
Preparation of washing soap Washing soap lab Chemistry CGCRI
Principle of water electrolyser for hydrogen production Hydrogen production lab Chemistry CECRI
Process of Plasmolysis Plant Physiology Biology IMMT
Processing of synthetic bone fillers Biomaterials lab Chemistry CGCRI
Production of Sound Sound Physics IMMT
Quiz game on earth science and it's functions Earth Science and functions Earth Science NGRI
Quiz game on geophysics subject for learn with fun Quiz game on geophysics subject Geophysics NGRI
Quiz on Ground Water Ground Water Earth Science NGRI
Quiz on Improved Iron Removal Filter Plant Water filter Technology Chemistry CMERI
Quiz on Mechanical Bale Hydraulic Press Machine Packing of raw jute Physics CMERI
Quiz on Toxicology Dictionary Toxicology Biology IITR
Quiz on Vehicle Mounted Drain Cleaning system Drain Cleaning Environment CMERI
Rajan S - Exploring Quality Control of Protein Synthesis Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle How to make the most out of Waste Biology NCL
Refraction of Light - glass slab Optics Physics IMMT
Refraction of Light - magic coin Optics Physics IMMT
Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Water Filtration Tech Generic(S&T) CGCRI
Robo Doctor (English) Emerging Trends in Robotic Surgery Computer(Robotics/software etc) CSIO
Robo Doctor (Hindi) Emerging Trends in Robotic Surgery Computer(Robotics/software etc) CSIO
Robo Doctor (Punjabi) Emerging Trends in Robotic Surgery Computer(Robotics/software etc) CSIO
Robotic Manipulators Robotics Lab Environment CMERI
Rocket balloon Laws of Motion Physics IMMT
Save our Environment Environmental safety Environment IITR
Science &Technology Breakthroughs of 2020 Innovation zone Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Science behind safety toxicity testing and R and D on product safety Global health safety Biology IITR
Science Crossword Game General Science Knowledge Physics CGCRI
Scientific books and Authors Scientific Books Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Scientists Card Game Indian Scientists Generic(S&T) CGCRI
Seed dispersals - When plants move Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Sensors Around Us (English) Basics of Devices and Sensors Computer(Robotics/software etc) CSIO
Sensors Around Us (Hindi) Basics of Devices and Sensors Computer(Robotics/software etc) CSIO
Sensors Around Us (Punjabi) Basics of Devices and Sensors Computer(Robotics/software etc) CSIO
Serpentine Robot Locomotion Robotics Computer(Robotics/software etc) CMERI
Shoot anatomy of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant Anatomy of Plant Cells Biology IMMT
Showcase of Stomata on a Leaf Peel using a Temporary Mount Anatomy of Plant Cells Biology IMMT
Simulation of simple tensile test to get mechanical properties Material Science lab Physics NAL
Soil Doctor (English) Basics of Soil Nutrition Environment CSIO
Soil Doctor (Hindi) Basics of Soil Nutrition Environment CSIO
Soil Doctor (Punjabi) Basics of Soil Nutrition Environment CSIO
Soils of India Soils of India Environment NEERI
Solar Artifacts & Solar tree Solar Energy Environment CMERI
Solar Hydrogen (English) Solar based Energy Harvesting Chemistry CSIO
Solar Hydrogen (Hindi) Solar based Energy Harvesting Chemistry CSIO
Solar Hydrogen (Punjabi) Solar based Energy Harvesting Chemistry CSIO
Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Energy Based Electric Cooking System Solar Energy Environment CMERI
Solenoid and its Applications Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Physics IMMT
Sound needs a medium to travel - Bell jar Sound Physics IMMT
Stability Analysis of Arches Mechanics Lab Physics SERC
Static Expansion System Pressure and Vacuum Metrology Physics NPL
Static Tension Test of Metal specimen Mechanics Lab Physics SERC
Study of groundwater contamination using GPR Study of groundwater contamination using GPR Earth Science NGRI
Stuff of Life Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
sugar production and proceeding herbarium and sugar Generic(S&T) NiScPR
superstition comic on plant and folks Superstition Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Supramolecular gels Gel Lab Chemistry CLRI
Sustainable Batteries Sustainability energy Lab Chemistry IICT
Tensile testing Strength of materials Physics NML
Termite mounds soil geochemistry: a potential indicator for assessing the geogenic contaminants for groundwater Detailed information on ground water contaminants Earth Science NGRI
The cell membrane detective Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
The Mesh-y Tales of Tiny Bacteria Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
The mystery of nerve regeneration - Who can and cannot Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
The Resilient Cell Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
The watchful borders of cells Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Thermoelectric Production Sources of Energy Physics IMMT
Time synchronization and application Time & Frequncy Metrology Physics NPL
To demonstrate the removal of Arsenic from contaminated drinking water Water lab Environment CECRI
To determine dissolved oxygen of a river water Sample Water Analysis Lab Chemistry NEERI
To determine freshness of food and quality of water Food Quality lab Biology CECRI
To determine pH value of a given sample using Universal Indicator Water Analysis Lab Chemistry NEERI
To determine pH value of a given sample using Universal Indicator and pH paper strips Water Analysis Lab Environment NEERI
To determine the residual chlorine in a given sample of water by starch iodide test Water Analysis Lab Environment NEERI
To determine various characteristics of soil - Part 1 Soil Analysis Lab Environment NEERI
To examine presence of arsenic in ground water Water Analysis lab Environment CGCRI
To find the numerical aperture (NA) of the given optical fibre Optical Fiber Lab Physics CSIO
To find the wavelength of given monochromatic source (LASER) Optical Fiber Lab Physics CSIO
To manufacture commercial glasses Glass lab Generic(S&T) CGCRI
To measure electrical conductivity of water Water Analysis lab Chemistry CGCRI
To measure hardness of water Water Analysis lab Chemistry CGCRI
To study the anatomical structure- TS- of dicot stem- Helianthus annuus Anatomy of Plant Cells Biology IMMT
To understand the conversion of IC engine to E-Vehicle E-Vehicle Lab Physics CECRI
To understand the development of battery pack using lithium-ion batteries for Lighting Application Lithium Ion Battery Lab Chemistry CECRI
To understand the significance of rare earths in everyday technologies Rare earths lab Chemistry CECRI
To understand the working principle of Fuel cell Fuel Cell lab Chemistry CECRI
Traditional Millet Recipes and their ethno-medicinal Importance Millets Generic(S&T) NiScPR
Transgenic cotton against whiteflies Plant Transgenics Biology NBRI
Trees in a broken forest Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
tulsi Medicinal plant Biology NiScPR
Understanding friction Concepts of Dynamic Physics Physics NPL
Understanding logic gates Digital Electronics Physics NPL
Understanding simple pendulum Concepts of Dynamic Physics Physics NPL
Uses of Cocos nucifera Cocos Nucifera Environment NiScPR
Value added products by PVD - Magnetron Sputtering Thin film lab Material Science CECRI
Variation of voltage and current in a parallel combination of resistors Electricity Physics IMMT
Variation of voltage and current in a series combination of resistors Electricity Physics IMMT
Vayu swacchak Domestic Recycling lab Environment NAL
Vehicle Mounted Drain Cleaning System Drain Cleaning Environment CMERI
Verification of Current for different components in an electric circuit Electricity Physics IMMT
Video on Biomass Briquette stove Biomass Environment CMERI
Video on detailed information about Earth quakes Video on Earthquake Alarm System Earth Science NGRI
Video on Flame Retardation Chemicals Chemical Safety Environment IITR
Video on Mob Control Vehicle Defence Physics CMERI
Video on PFAS(per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) Chemical safety Environment IITR
Video on Semi-Autonomous Mobile Healthcare Device Semi-Autonomous Mobile Healthcare Device Computer(Robotics/software etc) CMERI
Video on Toxicity of nanomaterials : State of the Science NANOTOXICOLOGY Chemical safety Environment IITR
Virtual Lab environment for Biosafety simulations Biosafety Teaching Animations Biology IMTECH
Virtual tour and demonstration of Working principle, Use of SEM & TEM Biomolecular visualization lab Physics IITR
Virtual tour to Herbal gardens Medicinal plant Biology IIIM
Virtual tour to Herbarium Medicinal plant Biology IIIM
Virtue of Tissue Plant resource utilisation Biology NBRI
Vortex induced vibrations (VIV) around circular cylinder Mechanics Lab Physics SERC
Waste Management Waste to Wealth Chemistry NML
Wellness Holistic development lab Biology IICT
What do plant embryos look like CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
What does bacteria look like under a light vs electron microscope CCMB Works Lab Biology CCMB
What is climate change and how do scientists study it? Climate Change Challenge Biology CCMB
Who are Indians? Where did they come from? Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
Who are We Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB
Why are the plants green? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do babies kick in the womb? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do birds fly in groups? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do cells not make proteins with D-amino acids Social impact of CCMBs research - Milo CCMB Biology CCMB
Why Do People Get Paralysed? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why Do Some Squirrels Bury Nuts India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do tigers have stripes? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do trees not stop growing India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why Do We Brush Our Teeth India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do we dream? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do we find babies cute? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do we have moles and birthmarks India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why do we like chocolates India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why does rain smell good? India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why Dont Snakes Have Limbs India Asks Why Biology CCMB
Why objects float or sink when placed on the surface of water Gravitation Physics IMMT
women and child sex determination Superstition Generic(S&T) NiScPR
words game on Earth Science words game on Earth Science Earth Science NGRI
words game on Geophysics words game on Geophysics Earth Science NGRI
words game on Seismic Survey words game on Seismic Survey Earth Science NGRI
Working principle of EC Biosensor Electrochemical Biosensor Lab Biology CECRI
Working principle of Electric Vehicles and introduction to India s perspective on E-Mobility E-mobility lab Physics CECRI
Working principle of electrochemical energy storage device - Lithium Sulphur battery Electrochemical energy lab Chemistry CECRI
Working principle of Electromotive force (EMF) Fundamental Electrochemical Lab Chemistry CECRI
Young s Double Slit Experiment. Optical Phenomena Physics NPL
Zeba Rizvi - Being the first scientist in my family Concepts in Science and Role Models Biology CCMB